Trugs Stage 0 – Letter Sounds

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trugs Stage 0

Trugs Stage 0 is designed to introduce letter sounds that lead to whole-word cvc reading for students from age 3 years and up.  The letter sounds that are introduced are according to the ‘Letters and Sounds’ order.  These are introduced by playing three different engaging card games called ‘Get it’, ‘Match it’ and ‘Take it’.

  • The first letter sounds (s,a,t,p,i,n) introduced are within the game called ‘Get it’ .
  • The next game called ‘Match it’ contains the next letter sounds (m,d,g,o,c,k,ck,e,u,r,h,b,f,l).
  • The ‘Take it’ game progresses to start to bend specific consonant-vowels as in ‘an’ ‘ed’ ‘id’ ‘op’ and ‘un’.

Once these sounds are familiar then whole word (cvc) practice can begin.  This can be done in the final game where both ‘Match it’ and Take it’ games combine leading to reading words such as ‘cat’ and ‘pit’.

Each box contains

60 cards making three card games ‘Get it’, ‘Match it’, and ‘Take it’.  One instruction sheet

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