Reading – The Most Important Gift We Can Give a Pupil

Reading – The Most Important Gift We Can Give a Pupil

Arguably, reading is the gateway to curriculum access and therefore learning. We ask our pupils to be able to read information in every subject that we teach. If they can’t do this in its most functional sense, then learning becomes difficult. Here is a jarring...
Making Spellings Stick

Making Spellings Stick

Why is spelling so tricky for some? Perhaps, it is because there are so many processes to manage. For example, you have to: Isolate sounds in words and then translate those sounds into print.Recall spelling rules — and the exceptions.Choose between different words...
How do you spell ‘fish’?

How do you spell ‘fish’?

How do you spell the word ‘fish’? I bet you are wondering why I’ve asked su ch a simple question aren’t you? I bet that some of you are scratching your heads at my question whilst internally saying: ‘everyone knows that you spell fish like this: f-i-s-h and, we all...