In the ever-evolving landscape of education, unlocking the potential of every students reading skill has become a paramount goal for both educators and parents. In this pursuit, innovative teaching methods have gained prominence, and among them, the TRUGS program...
Trugs®, the renowned reading resource, goes beyond the scope of teaching phonics alone. It recognizes the importance of developing broader literacy skills to create well-rounded readers. Through its engaging card games, Trugs® seamlessly integrates various components...
When it comes to education, finding ways to engage students and keep them motivated is essential for effective learning. This is where Trugs® truly shines by harnessing the power of play. By transforming learning into a series of interactive card games, Trugs®...
In the realm of education and literacy, finding engaging and effective resources to support student’s reading development is of paramount importance. Fortunately, Trugs® has emerged as a remarkable solution for both educators and parents alike. Trugs® is a synthesised...
When we think about building the firm foundations of basic reading and writing skills three ‘ph’ terms often spring to mind: phonological awareness, phonemic awareness and phonics. Phonological awareness and phonemic awareness are auditory and oral. The focus is upon...